I thought I would share something I found interesting about what we wear. Do you think what you wear communicates your personality, your position in life? Do people make a judgment based on what you wear? What do you see when you look in the mirror, who you are or who you want to be?
Read MoreBjörk's unreal vocal range mixed with the visuals and imagery will blow your mind. She is a genius and the directors Warren Du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones have created a masterpiece of visually intriguing and inspiring thoughts
Read MoreAs men, we are always seeking ways to become the best person we can or simply said, become Black Belts in our loved passions. Some men take this literal in the sense of martial arts. Some prefer sports knowledge while other pursue changing their physical form through diet or exercise. There are those that optimize their brain to work at its fullest ability, others may read for knowledge. Needless to say, we are for the most part trying to improve something about ourselves.
By nature, our monkey brains see all men as competition for local resources. Those resources can range from the most basic of comforts to attitude, strength, or determination. The highest level of competition typically culminates in attracting, sustaining, or maintaining the women around us and in our lives.
Read MoreThere is a superhero within each of us with unlimited powers to awaken and overcome the limitations we create in our minds. Most people, however, never realize the true potential of these powers, due to the unconscious influences of fear, doubt, and judgment, which subtly act as kryptonite, keeping these powers subdued and the truth of who we are trapped in an illusion of our more mild-mannered alter egos.
The truth is, that beyond our identity of who we think we are, we are truly unlimited and invincible beings. And this, at its root, is the journey that each of us is here to discover.
Read MoreToday, I listened to a Tara Brach podcast titled Healing Addiction: De-Conditioning the Hungry Ghosts (2017-03-22). The talk was examining the suffering that arises when our needs are unmet. Typically when we hear of additions, our knee-jerk reaction is to think drugs and alcohol, Google will confirm this as their first page results show the same inclination to substances. However, this isn't necessarily the case for everyone.
Read MoreToday I wanted to share something that may often get overlooked by us men. I was going to post the video, but the sponsor advertisement in the middle wasn't working for me. So please watch the video though, if you would rather listen to this information than read it.
I personally believe that giving flowers to someone is the quickest way to affect someone's life directly. Whether we realize it or not, we are spreading massive amounts of positive energy instantly into the vein of ourselves, the world, and the receiver. If you don't believe me, experiment with someone near you. Purchase something simple, one to three stems, and it doesn't necessarily have to be roses. I would suggest that you physically pick something, be a part of the inspiration, personally choose the flower based on what you think is nice or what they will find joy in.
Read MoreWhen I think about my own life, I have had such a hard time expressing how much somebody has meant to me. I a little bit better now than I was yesterday. It's a path that has slowly gotten better but every now and then I get stuck expressing my love. Why? It always comes down to fear. I'm scared of the response, I fear that it will not be reciprocated, fear of feeling awkward, foolish or inappropriate.
Read MoreI thought I would share something that wasn't related to anything in particular but has meant the most to me. Joe Dirt is a silly movie that can be dismissed as immediately as it is brought up. If you don't take yourself as seriously as the critics, it's an inspiring story mixed up with a lot of campy humor. This movie has offered me inspiration to find the silver lining in the most auspicious of times.
Read MoreAn extensive summarization of the history of the world. This was so entertaining I need to watch it again... Things get exponentially complicated in such a short time once our civilization developed and shit gets weird.
Read More"In basic spiritual practice, we understand that energy follows mind and therefore we can safely say that each thought form, creates a verifiable electromagnetic field of energy that broadcasts out into the universe, and creates our own existence. And Science has recently discovered that the universe is mental, immaterial and spiritual. Meaning that all is mind. Thoughts do in fact create our very existence, bringing an end to materialism In lamens terms, this means that every object, including your chair, your car, your house and your own body is made up of particles.
Read MoreI watched an old movie called Rad, I haven't watched that in 6 or 7 years. If you aren't familiar, It is a movie about BMX Freestyle Biking with a character who overcomes the obstacles that are trying to prevent him participating in the BMX race called Helltrack. It was fun to reminisce and remember my friends and me at the time sitting in front of a TV mesmerized, thinking that this was the coolest movie ever. As soon as it was done, we would immediately try to recreate the tricks we just watched only to suffer road rash, scratched elbows and wounded egos. We were 11 at the time, so I don't really think it was as bad as I remember.
Read MoreThirteen Thieves does not have an incredible origin story; we had a solution that worked for our friends and us. We wish things were that simple. In creating the products we have, we put a lot of time and energy into them. We spent countless hours on research as to what made good products. We read books, articles, essentially anything we could find from historical usage data to the newer holistic medicinal perspectives. Based on all the available information, we decided to incorporate as much of that information we felt provided the most optimal results into our products, which is reflected in our current blends.
Read MoreHappiness is not the pursuit of an endless succession of experiences. That's a recipe for exhaustion more than happiness. Happiness is a way of being. The challenge is to let that way of being, overtake all other emotional states.
Read MoreThank you for the review A Ferrucci. ★★★★★!
Read MoreYou may be among the many men out there that approaches the bathroom mirror dreading what is about to come next, the morning shave. The first step towards the ultimate shave experience is found in Thirteen Thieves Pre-Shave Oil. Our unique blend of ultra-luxe botanical oils moisturizes the skin and conditions the beard for a closer, smoother shave, without leaving a greasy residue. We use grapeseed, meadowfoam seed, cranberry seed, and organic olive oil to create a soothing and calming experience. This shave oil helps protect skin during the shaving process and helps soothe the look of irritation after. Our Unscented Pre-Shave Oil can be used alone or under our Soothing Shave Cream.
Read More"This is, therefore, to say that the transformation of human consciousness through meditation is frustrated so long as we think of it as something that I by myself can bring about, by some sort of wangle, by some sort of gimmick. Because you see it leads to endless games of spiritual one-up-manship. And of guru competition. Of my guru being more effective than your guru. My yogas are faster than your yoga. I am more aware of myself than you are. I am humbler than you are. I am sorrier for my sins than you are. I love you more than you love me. There’s these interminable goings on where people fight and wonder whether they are a bit more evolved than somebody else and so on.
Read MoreWhen I was in my early twenties, if a guy acted aloof, called back only sometimes and showed minimal interest, I would get hooked. You could say I was addicted to the bad boy/ unavailable boy/ player. I was drawn to what psychotherapist, Ken Page terms as “attractions of deprivation” – when we are drawn to people who embody the worst emotional characteristics of our parents. Basically, the theory explains that we are attracted to people who can wound us the same way we were wounded in our childhood, as our psyche tries to recreate the past void and save us by changing its ending.
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