Ready for that AHA moment? Are you searching for a radiating youthful glow? Want a smooth, renewed, fresh-faced after shave shine? Our Thirteen Thieves AHA Unscented After Shave Lotion may just be the thing you have been searching for. This lightweight lotion absorbs immediately, instantly soothing skin after shaving. Our After Shave Lotion was formulated with an Organic Aloe base, calming Organic Calendula and Lavender, moisture-rich Organic Coconut and Jojoba Oil helps to calm razor burn and relieve dryness.
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7400 Montgomery Blvd NE Suite 21,
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505) 639-4405
Chris V, the individual that posted this video said it best "these very clips (from the JRE Podcast) have changed the way I think, I feel about myself, & the way I treat the rest of the world. Listen in a quiet place with an open mind & use the tools from the video to question how you have been living."
Even Though I am still trying to incorporate many of these thoughts, into my daily life, it is always fantastic to be reminded that you can be the hero of your own story. This video is a testament to the power of words, and when spoken from a loving human such as this. They resonate with such power that any of us can enact change in every person we meet.
Read MoreOver the last 20 years, researchers have discovered four distinct biological stages that make up what we refer to as love. These stages are often called different things, but here, we are going to refer to them as attraction, dating, falling in love, and true love. Let's look at each in more detail.
Read MoreDon’t stress. Do your very best. Appreciate each step. Forget the rest. Stress is one of the primary causes of major health problems in our lives: it can cause heart disease, anxiety, sleep deprivation, auto-immune disorders, weight problems, unhappiness, and even deep depression. But we’re busy – we all have places to be, things to do and people to see. So how do we alleviate stress and still get our work done right (without neglecting our loved ones and ourselves)? When life gets crazy busy, you might not have time for week-long meditation and yoga retreats, weekend vacations, or even weekly life coaching sessions. So what can be done?
Read MoreHey Ann Arbor MI!!! Buy Thirteen Thieves locally at 16 Hands at Kerrytown Market & Shops 407 N. 5th Ave, 2nd Floor Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Read More"I'm talking literal biological changes. When you breathe deep, alkalinity rises, cortisol drops. When you hold your breath, you can boost adrenaline. We have a race car waiting for us to drive, but most of us just set it on autopilot, never intentionally putting our foot on the gas or the breaks. Take control of your breath and take control of your life." ~ Aubrey Marcus
Read MoreDo you know what does your heart and soul want? In Ayurveda, the main cause of the disease is a failure of wisdom or Prajnaparadha. It is when we exploit external world by wrongly using our body and senses. It is the main disease of the modern world – when we use our body for our selfish external pleasure.
Read MoreMahayana Buddhists do not aspire to enlightenment purely to free themselves from suffering; they do so out of compassion to liberate other sentient beings. Adam Yauch on understanding Bodhisattva and having a path said: "I think, of the bodhisattva path is doing what most benefits the totality of the universe, of all that is. And when you put yourself out there in a way that you aren’t really functional, then that is not going to most benefit the universe. You know, it’s just trying to get a feel, in your heart, for what’s going to most benefit the interconnectedness of all that is."
Read MoreWhy use Facial Oils? Facial oils are right for you if you struggle with occasional (think seasonal or climate-related dryness) or persistent dry, flaky, or dehydrated skin and your moisturizer just isn't doing enough no matter how enriched and emollient it is.
Read MoreFundamentally, there are two kinds of decisions: intellectual and emotional.
Intellectually, we knew we wanted a change in our lives. We knew we were unhappy, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled. We knew we didn’t have freedom—not real freedom. The problem was we knew these things intellectually, but not emotionally: We didn’t have the feeling in our guts that things must change. We knew they should change, but that change wasn’t a must.
Read MoreThe moon is the easiest celestial object to find in the night sky — when it's there. Earth's only natural satellite hovers above us bright and round until it seemingly disappears for a few nights. The rhythm of the moon's phases has guided humanity for millennia — for instance, calendar months are roughly equal to the time it takes to go from one full moon to the next.
Read MoreDavid Deida begins his book or this guide by saying that this is "for a specific kind of newly evolving man." He clarifies that this particular man is a man who is "unabashedly masculine—he is purposeful, confident, and directed, living his chosen way of life with deep integrity and humor—and he is sensitive, spontaneous, and spiritually alive, with a heart-commitment to discovering and living his deepest truth.
Read MoreAmericans celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday of every June. This holiday celebrates fathers and fatherhood in general, including father figures such as guardians and grandfathers. The occasion is marked by giving a gift to one’s father or spending time with him. It is a time set aside to value a father’s role in one’s life and to reflect upon paternal bonding.
Read MoreOne of the most frequent questions we receive is, what is your most popular scent? So we went through our 2016 sales and were are able to determine what the most popular scent was and subsequently still is number one for 2017. The Vanilla Bourbon scent has far exceeded even our estimates.
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